what should I feed?


12 Years
Mar 2, 2007
Eastern Washington
I have chicks, of a range of ages from hatching to 8 weeks, as well as baby turkeys that are about 5 weeks, and some various aged ducklings. Right now they are all living together, and I need to know if I should seperate them, or if they are okay together and what is the best thing to be feeding them at these ages. Any help would be great!
yes you really need to seperate them.the chicks need tobe on chick starter.an the turkeys need tobe on 24% game bird feed.i think the ducks can eat the gamebird as well.but im not to sure.need to check with your feedstore.
You also might get help if you post under the "Other Poultry" section. That's were duck & turkey lovers hang out. All I know about is chicks and yes they must be on starter or starter/grower.

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