what should i have in the medicine cabinet


6 Years
Apr 20, 2013
What are good medical supplies to have on hand when starting to raise backyard chickens? I live in an area where access to supplies is not always available. I don't want

O break the bank but some basic supplies.
I've seen page long lists, but the only things I have that are specifically for chickens are:

Sevin 5% garden dust
plain Neosporin ointment (for wounds and in eyes as well)
Valbazen wormer

You probably don't need to start worming them before one year, if you even decide to put them on a worming program, so you don't want to buy Valbazen til just before you decide to use it, as you have to buy 500 ml and it will expire in a couple of years. The dose is only 0.5 ml per chicken for large fowl, half that for bantams. (It's a cattle and sheep wormer.)

If you know that cocci are prevalent in your area, or if you live in a warm, moist climate, you might want Corid, just in case -- though I live in a warm, moist climate and have never had to treat for cocci.

To clean minor wounds, make your own saline (Google it) or use mild soapy water. You can use many "people" medicines on chickens. The one thing to avoid is topical meds with "caine" drugs in them, such as cetacaine or benzocaine, as they are toxic to chickens.

You may decide you need something else, but if you were to stock anything you might need, it would be quite expensive, and most would go to waste. I've never given an antibiotic, electrolytes (other than a small amount of Gatorade in water, on occasion) or even vitamins.

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