What should I know about ducks.

Hmmm... well they are MESSY!! Like so unbelievably messy. I added a baking tray with hardware cloth on top to create a basin to catch their water spills in the brooder, but it really didn't help that much. They found a way to knock the water dish off the baking tray and got their bedding soaked. All. The. Time. 😂

Ducklings need water, but not deep or they could easily drown. I know it sounds crazy that a duckling can drown, but they can and will if left alone with a large water container.

Ducks are fun, pretty easy to maintain, but they're really messy. So just you know, prepare for that 😂

I have their duck house and swimming area placed on patio stones to minimize water damage to the yard. It's definitely helped.
Like I said under construction.


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