What should I know about parakeets?


Dec 30, 2021
Kentucky, USA
I'm thinking of taking in a parakeet or two from someone who has a lot she is giving up. A parakeet would be new to me and am currently reading up on them.

Can you tell me....what do you wish people knew about them? Good and bad?

Also, what type of setup and routine do you have for yours?
They have arrived. I'm told I have four boys....we need names! Suggestions are welcome!


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Male or male and female pairs are best. If you're new to budgies I'd never recommend a female pair.
I keep mine in a "flight cage", they're very spacious and provide plenty of space for them. They're super active and will use every bit of the space you provide. When looking for a cage go for one that's wider not taller, horizontal space is better for them than vertical.
Diet should really include a good pellet, seed and vegetables (Budgies do not need the sugar in fruits, so that's a treat food).
Toys are a must for mental stimulation.
Also, I had a thought...could they have playtime outside in my chicken run? It's covered with hardware cloth. Any harm to the chickens or parakeets?

One more thing ...I am fostering these babies....would you say that four in that cage is too many?
Due to diseases chickens carry i would not put them in there as they can also hard them to. I personally feel half inch is to big of a spacing
They're adorable and CAN learn to repeat simple words and sounds.
Mine always needed vitamins. Other than that, quality food, fresh water, a clean cage, and a cuttlebone to chew and they're happy.

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