What silly prank did you play for April Fools?

gimmie birdies

Premium Feather Member
11 Years
Feb 12, 2013
Eastern WA
This time I put a plastic owl (meant to go on the roof to scare pecking birds,) I put that in the bathtub.

One time we were out for breakfast, and my husband had to leave the line to grab his wallet, and I told the people in line ahead of us, to say hi to my husband, who's name is Todd, and pretend to know him. That was funny.

What have you done?
Long time ago my niece asked me if I wanted to go the local clothing shop for her, where they also sell craft and sewing supplies (haberdashery) , to buy buttonholes.
I thought nothing of it and asked for money to buy them.
She laughed and wouldn’t give me any money. This was my April fool rescue 🛟
Not much, I did put an eggshell in my brother's shoe, but I didn't get to see the result. I was really tempted to put mustard in the morning's sausage, but I thought better of it
I'm a wimp at April fools...
Been a while, pranks are best left to people with time to plan. Best one I ever did was that I used to work at a pizza joint, and I had a friend who worked for another pizza joint close by. After closing the 31st, we swapped out all the branded materials at both places (boxes, cups, napkins, even the window signs (except coupons or priced "deals") ). And uniforms. We both opened April 1 and showed up at our stores in uniforms from the other place, with extra uniforms for our co-workers.

The absolute icing on the cake was that both of the stores were franchises and the owners were golfing buddies. So when they heard about it, they ALSO showed up at their respective stores about mid-morning in the other guy's uniforms and joined in on the prank. They didn't ever tell us who tipped them off, but it was hilarious.

The confused looks from customers was priceless. Some got it right away, some asked what the heck was going on, and some just left without ever saying anything.
Yesterday I was getting my tires changed. I live in a very small town surrounded by other small towns. Even though the guys at the tire store were in another area, I could hear them talk loudly about a family in one of town that everyone knows (we will call them the Johnsons.) They said "...I am not saying the Johnson's are bad people, I am just saying they have a lot of kids..." (they had about 13 that I knew of.) After they said that loudly, one of the guys came into the main area, I said..."I heard you talking about the Johnson's in the back room...I am a Johnson..." (I am not.) The worker just froze midstride. He said..."Really?" I said, "well I could have been..."
At work I pickpocketed my dad's utility knife without him noticing and put it back on its hook. Nothing extraordinary there. But every time he'd go get it and put it back in his pocket, I'd take it again and put it back on the hook. He never figured it out and it was HILARIOUS seeing him try to cut open a box, reach for his pocket, and... no knife even though he'd just put it there.

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