What size bag of feed?


10 Years
Feb 23, 2009
Carleton Mi.
I have my first chicks coming in April. I have read not to over stock on your feed because it loses it's neutrional value. [ i am a bad speller by the way] Any ways I ordered 12 chicks. There is a possibility of getting extrs roos. What size bag of chick starter should I get. They carry a small bag like 20lbs. or something and a 50lb. bag. I just don't want feed to go bad if it sits around to long. What do you think?
I started with 5 chicks and a twenty five lb. starter/grower. I went through three bags before I switched to a layer crumble. And though you didn't ask, I thought I'd mention water bottles with tubes were way less messy than the normal drinking dish. Wish I could have 12 chicks. Lucky you.
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if you have a chest freezer.. buy the 50lbs and put some of it in plastic bag in the freezer.. i have never done it but i know people that have...
if not just buy the 25lbs at a time, if it truly concerns you...

i have a row of about 7 metal trashcans with chicken feed and horse feed..
I started with a 20 lb bag and at 4 1/2 weeks I bought a 50 lb bag. They will surprise you with how fast they grow and how much they eat. I just bout them a 3 lb feeder and I still have to monitor it closely or they will run out same with water I got 3 qt size to start out, but i got a 1 gollon waterer the same to as the feeder, I fill it up 2 times a day. I forgot to say I have 28 chicks.
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Save your money and buy the biggest (bag 50#), you or your chicks will not notice a difference, and if truely lost over time, check the packaged date on your 20/25# bag I would bet since most stores go through the bigger bags quicker the bigger bag is fresher anyhow.
If I get two chicks(as pets), how big of a bag do you think I'll need?

Of chick starter? You trying to save the most money, or waste the least amount of food due to it going bad? The pricing for a 40-50 pound bag is going to only be marginally more expensive that buying multiple smaller bags. After more than a few small bags, it is actually more expensive to buy the smaller ones. I say keep it simple by buying a 40-50 pound bag and then tossing any that you have left over at the point that the feed is 4-5 months past when it was milled. Don't know what you have access to, but should not be that hard to find feed that is less than a few weeks old.

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