What size brooder for 20 poults?


Feb 13, 2015
Getting 20 BBB Poults in June and need to build a brooder. Since the temps are soo high here by June I think they will be fine outside by about 3-4 weeks old. So I need to size the brooder so that they have plenty of room up until about 4 weeks old.

Thanks for any advice
For the first four weeks, baby chicks need about 1/4 square foot of space per chick. From four to eight weeks, baby chicks need 1/2 square foot of space per chick. I’m not saying you should calculate space needed exactly, but just eyeball it and make sure your chicks aren’t on top of each other in the brooder. If they’re crowded, they can smother each other to death.
that little amount of space even for Turkeys? If so then I will stick with the 4x4 size I have used in the past for chicks.

Thank you

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