What Size?


9 Years
Mar 3, 2010
Granite Falls, WA
We're in the process of building our chicken coop. I've been combing this site (and others) for as many tips as I can find on predator proofing our coop but I live in a rural neighborhood where we have HUGE raccoons. As much as I'd like to think we can make our coop secure I also know how smart and persistant raccoons (and other critters) can be. My husband has decided that we'll go ahead and get a trap as a secondary measure but after googling them I have no idea what size would be best! We have seen raccoons here that are easily 60 pounds so I need to make sure I get a trap large enough. I've looked at the Havahearts and the large is reccommended for raccoons but someone in the reviews said they didn't think it was large enough so I thought I'd get some opinions.

What size do you use to trap critters (raccoons specifically) in your area? My little chickens and I thank you for your input!
A 60 pound raccoon? That I have to see. Everything I've found on raccoons indicates a maximum weight of about 23 pounds. I don't doubt that a large male could weigh a little more that that. Hmm, just looked at the Havahart website and it's claiming 48 pounds for a raccoon. Wonder who to believe, wildlife authorities or someone trying to make a buck.

If you do have 60 pound raccoons I would get a bear trap and sell the raccoon to Ripley's Believe or Not.

For the normal size raccoon the Havahart Large One Door Raccoon trap or a trap similar to it should be sufficient.
Hmmm. That's one big animal.

This is not really related to trap size, but remember, once the raccoon is in the trap, you're going to have to find a way to dispatch it. Something to consider BEFORE you set up the trap. We've got some pretty darn big coons in my neighborhood - and they're not afraid of people. But you can believe that I'm afraid of them....
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Well, ok, 60 pounds may be a bit of an exageration and to be honest I didn't ask to weigh him.
However, they are VERY big as far as raccoons go. All I really want to know is how big of a trap do most people use for the raccoons in their neighborhoods? Dispatching it isn't an issue as we already know how to do that part.

ETA: In my defense, according to the Oregon State University the largest raccoon on record was 60 pounds although there are many different weight results all claiming the title if you do a quick google search.

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I had them break out of a regular sized havahart i got the Large one, like a foot wide, a foot tall and almost 3 feet long. Cost me $100 but it sure has done its job, nothing gets out of this thing.

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