What snacks DON'T or chickens like???


7 Years
Dec 6, 2012
Las Vegas, Nevada
My Coop
My Coop
I have Delawares, Anconas and Wyandottes. Of all the different snacks I've given them I've found that they really don't like apple-sauce or bananas.

What snacks have you found your flock to be not-so-fond of???
Pumpkin. We bought a little deco pumpkin for Halloween and when festivities were done we cut it open and gave it to the girls. My layers took to it after a few hours of dubiousness but my banties just looked at it and avoided it.
Citrus isn't good for chickens, so steer away from that.

Carrots, cucumbers and zucchini--- not yummy

Peaches, pears and apples--- to-die-for
We don't give it to them because they don't like it but why is it bad for them? I had only heard not to give potato skins, and onions and peppers, the latter two because they affect the taste of the eggs.
We don't give it to them because they don't like it but why is it bad for them? I had only heard not to give potato skins, and onions and peppers, the latter two because they affect the taste of the eggs.
Citrus is very acidic. People can get heartburn if they eat too much, so imagine you can kind of imagine how harsh it is on chickens.

Here's a great article with a treat chart:
Thanks Jersey for the chart. We have mostly done ours by trial and error. We try to feed them "natural" stuff and I did do a search early on to see if anything was a no no and that is where I got the afore mentioned items but never saw anything on citrus. We just never give it to them because the once or twice we tried, they didn't eat it. Guess we just have smart birds.
My flock loves everything I have offered to them, pumpkin, eggs,carrots,tomatoe, cucumber, zuccini, melons, squash, they love warm oatmeal, banana, apples, pears,plums... Mixed veggies cabbage,lettuce they are the excess scrap eating machines.. I call them my spoiled feathered ladies,, guess just lucky... I did read once no,citrus because it can,be poisonous...

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