What takes Blu Kote off of skin?

Oh rainbow I tried that, and the nail polish remover too. They didn't do any better tha plain old soap. I scrubbed as best as I could with a washcloth and wore a lot of makeup.

Washing dishes helped get it off my hands.

Thanks for all the suggestions. I made it through the day without any funny looks - other than the ones I usually get, that is!
I too have suffered the Blu Kote curse. Looked like I had just voted in Iraq's 1st election, and several times at that. I tried soap and water, alcohol, you name it, but nothing worked. What finally removed it was taking a shower and washing my hair. I guess hair acts as a mild abrasive. That or Curls Rock shampoo is not telling the truth about their ingredients.
I just found this thread. When I got BluKote on my wife's bathroom sink I thought I was dead where I stood. In my panic I grabbed the nearest thing to me which was my kids Aim (original flavor) toothpaste and it took it right off. I used it on my fingers and it took it off of them also with some mild scrubbing.
I did that the other day to my hands. I was cleaning the kitchen afterwards and something took it right off, it was either:

Baking soda with water to make a paste
White vinegar
Pledge Multi Surface cleaner

Sorry I can't be more specific lol I'm not trying it again. But perhaps give the first two a try, they won't hurt.
I was trying to find some blu-kote at the farm store the other day. After reading all this I'm not sure I want to buy some now.

I just wanted to have it on hand if ever needed. Can someone please tell me does it come in a salve or spray or what? I found some called wound kote (sray) for horses but it did not mention chickens. It did say not to use on cats. Is it the same?

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