What the heck came out of my chicken?

It looks like a variation of a soft shelled egg. I've had two different chickens lay eggs like this. It only happened once for the one, who was fine after a trip to the vet and some antibiotics. The other one laid them every so often for several months, and she ended up having cancer and passed away. It could be just one of those things that happens sometimes, but I would definitely suggest checking over your flock and trying to figure out which hen is laying these eggs so that you can do a more thorough health check to spot any potential issues. I also suggest giving a calcium supplement directly to the bird if you can figure out which one - someone else might be able to chime in on the best options for that. If supplementing calcium directly doesn't solve the issue, that points to something else being the cause. Best of luck!
The bird is 9 months old, they are on full feed. either meat bird or chick starter with calcium on the side (both crushed and flaked oyster shells as well as their own egg shells). They get kitchen scraps and a couple of handfuls of wheat here and there plus whatever they find free ranging.

I am pretty sure its a blue australorp with a yellow legband. she was in the box next to it when I went to close them up for the evening at least.

should I give her single tum? would that work for a calcium supplement? how often?
Found this about 20 minutes ago in the nest box. Is it some type of messed up egg? Looks like a piece of intestine with clear jelly inside.

I have found 2 dwarf or fairy eggs too in that 2 months or so and didnā€™t think much of it. Now I am wondering if its the same hen. I know a couple of my hens arenā€™t good layers but not sure which ones.
Looks like a long soft shelled membrane.

If you know which hen it came from then give her extra Calcium for a at least a week. You can find Calcium Citrate with D3 in the vitamin aisle of stores like Walmart, CVS, etc. Give 1 tablet daily, just pull down on her wattles, pop the tablet into the beak and let her swallow.

See that she's eating well and drinking. Observe to see if she's stressed/getting bullied, look her over for lice/mite and make sure her crop is emptying overnight.

What is the texture? Is it soft and goopy like poo, or does it stick together?
Expression is not necessary is it?
I believe your looking at the bloom that encases the yolk inside the hardshell. This is the leftover as the hen(s) ate the yolk. This happens when the hen is not producing the shell just before the egg comes out. I have experienced this and was happy to see that after a time she started producing the shell again. Make sure your getting a calcium supplement to them such as oyster shell.

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