What time are you leaving the house this morning? And where to?


12 Years
Jan 2, 2008
western mass
Where are you headed this a.m.? Soon as I type this I'm grabbing my coffee and heading for the public health clinic where I work, in a small city about a half hour away.

Homeschoolers/homesteaders, don't brag too much, okay? I was a homeschoolin mom for a while there, too, and I fondly remember snuggling in the multiple jammies. I also remember the hard parts, like zero privacy. So just let the rest of us who actually have to go somewhere this morning share in the details, will you? Or tell us where you are going later!

Oops, 7:18, I'm late!

Love, and toodles.
I am home already.

I got up at 5:30 am and went down to the neighbors to exersice for an hour. We work out from 6-7am. So I get home a little after 7.

I check email, the paper on line, and the BYC. Then head in to get ready for the day.

When I got home today, I had 2 kids up and playing. I have to go and wake the other 3 up.

We homeschool and our school day starts at 9am-noon.

Then we have a quick lunch and head to town for the 4 year olds preschool (T and Th). The girls finish up their work while Jack's at preschool.

After getting Jack, I come home and get dinner ready.

After dinner it is my turn to work and earn a little cash.

Then get everyone to bed and crash into bed myself and start all over again!
I have to leave in 25 mins to take my dal/lab mix, Pepper, to the vet so they can cast her leg for a brace...She has a slightly torn ACL and we are gonna try to use a brace to heal it. Hopefully it will work cause the surgery is darn expensive!!
Homeschool mom here and yes! We do love to snuggle in our p.j.'s in the morning, but we do much better getting dressed and then tackling school work. That way we feel much more awake and in tune. We have to tackle the work (actually are doing it as I type!) quickly this morning because we have to be off to the dentist office and then to Sam's Club to print some pictures. *SIGH* It's just going to be another busy, busy day at my house.

conroy - Good luck with the dog and the vet's this morning! I also hope the splint/cast works for your dog.
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Good Morning All!!!

In less than an hour I will be taking the hour long commute into Tampa to have my 11 yo cast removed from her arm (she broke it 4 wks ago when she tripped in crosscountry track!) and then back home again. When I scheduled the appt I did not realize there would be no school today ..... I thought I would drop the carpool of kids off at the Charter Middle school they attend (3 -6th grade girls and 3 -8th grade boys) and then take my daughter to the dr's and then drop her off at school on the way home.

Right now - I need to go hang the Flag out, if hubby forgot .... then open up the coop for the chickadees and then quickly get ready to go!

Have a wonderfully blessed day in all your goings and comings!

Laura ><>

Lol just joking!!

Well I just put my daughter on the school bus...and I am now sitting here eating a snickers bar and drinking a MT.dew!!! Oh my.....that sounds horrible.

In about 30 minutes I will go out and feed the goats, chickens,cats.
Then come in and make my son breakfast.

BUt for right now............Its ME time!!
I hardly ever go anywhere in the morning. This afternoon I have a hair trim and then I have to go out to the hospital to have my port flushed. Can't wait to have it taken out in February

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