What time do you rollll out of bed to feed your flock?

I'm usually up at 4am so I can get everyone fed and set for the day before I get ready to leave for work at 5:45. This week, though, my Dad (next door) has been out of town so it's been 3:45 so I can fit in taking care of his cats too.

Haven't been too far from the coffee.....
I usually let them out of their coop at 7am because I don't want to annoy my elderly neighbors; my cockerels like to practice their crowing until I feed them
Mine are in a coop with run with the coop run door open at night. I try to get up by 7am to at least check on them. I let them out of the run at noon to make sure they eat some chicken feed before they roam the yard. When it's hot I let them out right away in the morning so they can stay cool and find shade.
My girls are let out around 6:35 A.M. It needs to be a little bit light outside before I let them out. I figure the night predators are still skulking around in the early hours.

Lisa :)
I feed at night, and they have access to the run all the time, so I really don't need to do anything with them in the morning. When I'm working my mornings are kinda early and rushed so I've streamlined my routine to feed everyone I can at night. I just throw some hay to the horses and I'm on my way.
I free feed the girls in the coop, so I don't have to be out there at a certain time for them, but the goats and pigs need me to come out because they are not free fed. I do let the girls out of the coop, and give them some tasty yogurt, greens, and some frozen fruit. I go out to do chores around 7:30 in the morning. It usually takes me until 9, by the time I get everyone fed, watered, and clean up the coop, and pig poop. I also have to water the garden, dang drought. On weekends, we push it until more like 8, or 8:30 sometimes.

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