What time do your chickens put themselves to bed?

Ok my chickens are 1o weeks old, have been in the coop for about 5 weeks now. They were kept inside the coop for about 2 weeks as it was too cold for them to behave them go in n out. They have a ramp and can go down it. I usually gather them up and put them in the coop just before sundown. I have yet to have them go in on their own. I waited tonight and it was getting darker and they were all kinda running back and forth not sure if they were trying to figure out what to do. i had to get going so I gathered them up and put them in. Will they figure out to get back in the coop on their own?

Chickens like routine. It might be that since you always put them in at night, they were waiting for you to do the routine or it might not have been dark enough yet to prompt them to go in. A nightlight might help you get them in. If you illuminate the inside of the coop -- it doesn't have to be a bright light, just a soft light that is not fluorescent -- starting about half an hour before sunset and leave it on until they're all inside. As it gets dark out, chickens will tend to go toward the light.
5pm, when the sun goes down. I check on them at night with a torch, though, and they're often awake chatting with each other instead of sleeping. I think they go and find their happy place when the light goes because they don't see very well in the dark.
Chickens like routine. It might be that since you always put them in at night, they were waiting for you to do the routine or it might not have been dark enough yet to prompt them to go in. A nightlight might help you get them in. If you illuminate the inside of the coop -- it doesn't have to be a bright light, just a soft light that is not fluorescent -- starting about half an hour before sunset and leave it on until they're all inside. As it gets dark out, chickens will tend to go toward the light.
Thank you very much for your advice. It's much appreciated.
Mine go to roost @ 7:13 PM, just like clockwork, except in the Winter. ;)

I'll usually wait 'til 1/2 hour or so before dark. By that time, if they're going in on their own, they've done it, but it's not unheard of to have to shoo a couple off the outside roost pole, at which point they head up the ramp.
Chickens like routine. It might be that since you always put them in at night, they were waiting for you to do the routine or it might not have been dark enough yet to prompt them to go in. A nightlight might help you get them in. If you illuminate the inside of the coop -- it doesn't have to be a bright light, just a soft light that is not fluorescent -- starting about half an hour before sunset and leave it on until they're all inside. As it gets dark out, chickens will tend to go toward the light.
Thanks again, we have success this evening with leaving their heat lamp on, one straggler and the 2 ducks. I round them up and let them go up the ramp. I could not be happier. Thank you so very much.
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ooOOoo be careful with a heat lamp in the coop. It is so easy to start a fire with a heat lamp. If this is temporary until they figure out the nighttime routine, it'll be okay, but if you want to use the nightlight long-term, get an LED light to hang in the coop. You can get LED lights that are solar-powered that cost less than $20.
ooOOoo be careful with a heat lamp in the coop. It is so easy to start a fire with a heat lamp. If this is temporary until they figure out the nighttime routine, it'll be okay, but if you want to use the nightlight long-term, get an LED light to hang in the coop. You can get LED lights that are solar-powered that cost less than $20.
Thank you, yes I'm aware of that. It's hung up very securely with a chain. The heat lamp is needed, still some pretty cool nights here. Thank you for your concern.
All our chickens will go in just after sunset most of the time. It is just like they have an order to go in because if I watch they will go one after the other spaced about 20 to 30 seconds apart. Really cool to watch. They don't care if you are out or not they will go right to bed anyway. So cool.

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