What time do your chickens put themselves to bed?

All our chickens will go in just after sunset most of the time. It is just like they have an order to go in because if I watch they will go one after the other spaced about 20 to 30 seconds apart. Really cool to watch. They don't care if you are out or not they will go right to bed anyway. So cool.
I'm going to sit close by this evening with a glass of wine and wait and see what happens :)
And what happened?
OH HEY!!!! Well they are figuring it out, but they need a light on in the coop. My 2 ducks are always left last and I have to round them up. Last night I waited longer and one of the ducks made it in the coop :) They are figuring it out. I'll be getting a solar LED to put in the coop. Man, they crack me up, so funny. Who the heck knew chickens were this much fun. Thank you for asking :)
Well we love our chickens and my wife has them all named. I have found that if you they a stressed day at work all you got to do is sit and watch your chickens and they will relieve it. I make a point to visit with them each day.
My chicks have been outside now for 2 weeks. They are 7 weeks old. They promptly put themselves to bed at 8:00pm (on the dot!) each night. Just curious if others chickens put themselves in the coop at a specific time each night?

My chickens like to go in at 8pm, my little duck likes to go in early, he will cry if I am not there to put him in with his mom at 7pm.
Mine go in depending on the weather. If it's been a sunny hot day they'll wait until it's dark to all go in. If it's been cooler, overcast, and/or windy they start filing in as soon as the sun starts going down. Its always fun to be out when they put themselves to bed and within minutes they go from scratching around the run to filing into the coop one after the other. The first few nights I had to go put them in the coop and up on the roosts, then they did it themselves after a few days. They learn quick. When I go out to check and close things up I go say goodnight through their window (their roosts are right by the window and whoever is closest comes over to watch me) and close it and then go close the pop door. I like my nightly ritual of "putting the girls to bed" lol. Much easier than my kids!
Wondering if this is a common thing, my chickens are now going to the coop at night. They go in, then decided they need to go back out for a little bit. Anyone else's crew do this?
Ours are about 14 weeks and don't go in their coop at night. It could be 11pm and they're all sitting close together at the gate of their run. I think it might just be a habbit they've formed but not sure?? Normal??
Usually not long before the sun prepares to go down, but Prince (named after the late singer) starts roosting up on my front porch I'd say around 5 or prior, he's so goofy and adorable.
Depends on the age and breeds, my 3 leghorns are always early on the roosts, bout 20-30 minutes before sunsets. My older hens (4yr olds) are on the roosts early. And the younger ones 18 wks - 1 yr olds are normally still out in the run until almost dark along with my EEs which are all on the bottom of the pecking order.

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