What time do your chickens put themselves to bed?

Ours go in when the coop area gets dark, this is usually around 8 pm but with cloudy skies it can be as early as 7:30 pm. Our rooster makes sure all his girls are in before he goes inside, so when I see him on the roost, I know everyone is inside and can lock them down for the night.
I'm recently having trouble getting my chicks to go into the coop by themselves. I have one that will walk up the ramp and put herself to bed but when the others won't come she tends to come back out and join the othes in standing by the gate and calling for me in this loud honking type noise. They want me to put them to bed :he this usually happens around 7:30pm. They have no problem coming out themselves in the morning. Any pro tips to get my chicks to go to bed? They have a night light so they can see.
My run is enclosed so I leave my coop open to the run 24/7, even in winter snows. The girls come and go as they please, so I'm not there to shut them in, or open at any particular time. But I have noticed that my layers are in before sundown, my teens linger longer, but are in before completely dark, 9.m.
My chicks have been outside now for 2 weeks. They are 7 weeks old. They promptly put themselves to bed at 8:00pm (on the dot!) each night. Just curious if others chickens put themselves in the coop at a specific time each night?
This is something I didn't know about chickens. When my booty hands have babies they put those babies to bed at 6 o'clock at night on the dot!! However the chickens that don't have babies stay up till 830 now that it's getting dark later but before daylight savings time, they were in bed by 730. I kind a like it when they go to bed early LOL

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