What time of day do your Hens Lay?

Oh and its strange, the rooster hasnt been laying lately


Maybe he's feeling a bit jealous of the girls production and it's put him off?

How do you guys know what chicken lays what? I come out and there are eggs in the Boxes for the most part I am not there when they lay.

I have a mixed flock, but, of the breeds which are the same, they actually have a slightly differing appearance. So, for example, my cream legbar lays a greeny/blue egg - but, my Marans has just come into lay and lays a green egg (not a chocolate brown one
) which I knew because I saw her do it! Then, my buff Sussex lays a beige egg; my white sussex lays a beige egg but with a teeny weeny white speckle to them. My BO also lays a beige egg, but hers are always slightly rounder, with no "pointy" end. Etc., etc., etc.
Plus, there are four nest boxes and they all have their preferred box; even though sometimes, they will lay in another nestbox if they simply cannot hold on any longer
I have a mixture of Bantams, most lay pure white eggs, but, the size and shape make them distinguishable.
I just got started on this wonderful adventure 8 days ago. One each: New Hampshire, Rhode Island Red, Wyandotte, Ameracauna, Black Australorpe. Got them from a heritage breeder. The Ameracauna and (I think) the RIR are too young, not laying. The others--today I got 3 in one nest, sometime between 9:15 and 11:30. I've gotten them late in the afternoon. One in the yard, and one in the run, but the rest in the nesting box. I have 2 boxes in the coop but I think they've only used the one. I'm 64 years old but finding those eggs feels every bit as good as finding the golden chocolate egg on an easter-egg hunt!
Mine lay at different times each day for they lay about 1 or 2 hours later each day then take a day off ans start again. I get eggs as early as 7am and as late as 5 and 6 pm, now that time changed.
4 of them lay in the morning and the other 2 in the afternoon around 3 I get 2 huge eggs and all the rest are small :)
(One of) the first things we learned when our girls started laying: going out to get fresh eggs for breakfast is a myth! Our impatient girls are up at the crack of dawn, but take turns sitting on the nests (sometimes, I think, just for fun) starting around midday. I think they have fun sitting on each others' eggs and pretending they laid them all
...honestly they're all over the place. Sometimes I will go to collect the eggs at around eight on a winter's night, the nests will be empty, but all the eggs will be warm! Go figure...

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