
Jan 14, 2019
Hello! I currently have a flock with a mix of Rhode Island Reds, Dominique’s, one big Brahma rooster.. his lady unexpectedly passed.,Buff Orpington’s, gold laced Wyandotte’s and a handful of Easter Eggers.

I keep going back-and-forth on what I want to add to my existing flock in the next couple months. I love my Brahma so I automatically wanted to add more. How are Cochin? Pros/cons? I live 25 minutes from Cackle Hatchery(terrifying for my bank account)so I plan on picking them up in store.

I am trying to steer away from the smaller standard birds simply because when we added a couple smaller Easter Eggers They were bullied a bit by our big girls for a lot longer than expected.

I currently don’t have any white egg layers but I also don’t know what to look for as far as white egg layers go.

I like them big,round and fluffy


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Barnevelders aren't white egg layers, but they're pretty cool-looking. Never owned any myself. I want a silver-laced one.

Personally, I like Australorps, though they're a little boring in appearance. They've got generally good, calm temperaments and are pretty good egg-layers.

My bantam cochins are friendly and really good mothers. Easily bullied by my smaller game hens, though. I've no experience with standards.

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