What to attach fencing with (lots of it)

On your acre, use a few tall 2 x 4s (12' -16'), run mason twine to each other (up to 100-150' apart)and hang a few CDs up there. It really puts on a light show. Our 2 hawks, which live 700' from our coop, have not returned to visits our girls since I put them up. Knock on wood. Inexpensive and quick. Just attach them to T-posts with some wire. Goes up very quickly.
I attact my fence to 4x4 's with Large U-Nails and when I use metal 1.5" used fence post I attach the fence with zip tie's, work great both ways.

Becareful about using landscape timbers because they are not treated the same way 4x4 post are if you have damp ground and lots of bugs the landscape timbers wont last but a couple of years that is in most places
I guess my main concern with using zip ties is that they would quickly dry rot. I wonder if they make UV resistant outdoor zipties..

Yes being that I wouldn't be using THAT many 4x4's I'd probably just invest in the realy PT 4x4's.

all my 4x4's are pt --- but mostly i use gav. pipe , the on e side of fenceing facing the house i
use 6' high wooden picket fencing to created a some what sound barrer and wind barrer.

I guess my main concern with using zip ties is that they would quickly dry rot. I wonder if they make UV resistant outdoor zipties..

my zip ties are the one that Electrician
would use from home depot (lg bags) and they been on there for 3 yrs now and still holding strong -no dry rot yet but then again my chickens and trukeys are down back in a cleared out wooden area with lots of large maple trees .​
Baling Twine!
When I finish a bales of hay I tie the 3 pieces of twine together and hang them on the wall. When moving panels I tie them together with the twine. It makes for a colorful, and easily changed, pen or coop. I only keep goats & chickens. It might not do for bigger stock.
Leaving them knotted together at one end, looping over the top of the panels, the 3 strands go around the panel wire like on a maypole, and tie back together at the bottom.
I just made a temporary coop with 4 half stock panels (with 4" square openings) tied together in a square, and two over the top, and fiberglass roof panels over that. It won't do when winter hits, but is fine for now.

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