What to do about constant cocci problems??

my sunwolf

7 Years
Apr 22, 2012
Southwest Virginia
My Coop
My Coop
Since bringing home a batch of chicks who were carrying a heavy load of cocci, we've been having huge cocci problems, even in winter!

We do practice deep litter, but I've had to clean out all the coops multiple times as I worry about the cocci buildup.

Every single batch will do okay on their litter for the first 4 weeks, and then will start to look puffed, pale, droopy, and some start to get bloody poop. So I treat with Corid, and they get better.

But we are trying to raise our chickens without any medication! If the bedding is clean and dry and changed between batches, is there anything else I can do to prevent cocci from happening? I've tried "natural vaccination" where you add a little bedding from the older chickens into the brooder, but that still seems to be too much cocci all at once for the babies. Does food grade diatomaceous earth in the bedding help with cocci at all?

Thanks for any advice you can give!
Ammonia kills cocci (bleach does not.) If your coops have floors, maybe cleaning with an ammonia solution will cut the population down enough to get it under control.
Ammonia kills cocci (bleach does not.) If your coops have floors, maybe cleaning with an ammonia solution will cut the population down enough to get it under control.

Thank you, this is extremely good to know!

I started a new in-house brooder out of a wire dog crate this spring, and the first batch that was in it got cocci one day after I put some sticks from the yard in the brooder for them. The brooder was getting a little cramped but the litter was clean (not replaced but stirred daily and new added every few days) and very dry. So I'm not entirely sure how to combat this kind of thing
But at least I can give a good clean with ammonia in between batches.

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