What to do about different moisture loss in eggs?


Bantam Queen
7 Years
Apr 28, 2016
New York
I'm hatching 4 eggs that are currently at day 6. The temperature has been really consistent at 99.5 and the humidity has been at 50-51%. I just candled and weighed them (to see if they're losing the proper amount of moisture). 2 of the 4 eggs are clearly developing, 1 I'm pretty sure has veins, and 1 looks clear. But the weights are a little confusing. One of them lost the correct amount of moisture. One lost a little bit too much (around 4% too much). The one I'm not sure about lost more, about 18% too much. The one that looks clear lost about 50% too little.
So what do I do now? Do I increase the humidity, and if yes, by how much? Or do I leave it the way it is?
I'm hatching 4 eggs that are currently at day 6. The temperature has been really consistent at 99.5 and the humidity has been at 50-51%. I just candled and weighed them (to see if they're losing the proper amount of moisture). 2 of the 4 eggs are clearly developing, 1 I'm pretty sure has veins, and 1 looks clear. But the weights are a little confusing. One of them lost the correct amount of moisture. One lost a little bit too much (around 4% too much). The one I'm not sure about lost more, about 18% too much. The one that looks clear lost about 50% too little.
So what do I do now? Do I increase the humidity, and if yes, by how much? Or do I leave it the way it is?
Did you calibrate your thermometer and salt test your hygrometer first? I never really weigh my eggs, unless they're really valuable or hard to candle.
I honestly wouldn't worry too much, and humidity much higher than 50% can start to give you other issues like too big of chicks, or chicks that drown at hatch. How big are the air cells? If they're still relatively small I wouldn't change anything.
Did you calibrate your thermometer and salt test your hygrometer first? I never really weigh my eggs, unless they're really valuable or hard to candle.
I honestly wouldn't worry too much, and humidity much higher than 50% can start to give you other issues like too big of chicks, or chicks that drown at hatch. How big are the air cells? If they're still relatively small I wouldn't change anything.
Yep, the thermometer and hygrometer were calibrated.
The only reason I weighed the eggs is because I don't trust myself to properly mark the air cells, since I've never done it before. 😂 Plus the eggs are kind of dark, so it's hard to see much. But from what I could see, the air cells are still pretty small. So I'll leave the humidity alone. Thanks!
Yep, the thermometer and hygrometer were calibrated.
The only reason I weighed the eggs is because I don't trust myself to properly mark the air cells, since I've never done it before. 😂 Plus the eggs are kind of dark, so it's hard to see much. But from what I could see, the air cells are still pretty small. So I'll leave the humidity alone. Thanks!
Haha! I like to sit them on some kind of light while I trace the air cells, just go right around the edge of the cell. Dark eggs can be tricky.
I'd honestly just wait and see, let us know how they look in a week or so.
Haha! I like to sit them on some kind of light while I trace the air cells, just go right around the edge of the cell. Dark eggs can be tricky.
I'd honestly just wait and see, let us know how they look in a week or so.
Okay, will do!
Alright, so I candled the eggs again yesterday (day 12). It seems that I was wrong about #1, and it is actually developing. So all 4 are developing.
Again, the weights were it bit weird. #1 was supposed to have lost 4.50g, but it lost 6.08g. #2 should have lost 4.54g, but lost 5.25g. #3 should have lost 4.66g, but lost 4.86g. #4 should have lost 4.64g, but lost 4.48g. It's almost the same as last time I weighed them. #4 is just a little under, #3 is just a little over, #2 noticeably too much, but not super crazy, and #1 is way off.
But, the air cells look okay. So, what do you suggest I do? Just leave the humidity alone, or adjust it a little?

(Each picture is a different egg, going in numerical order).
Alright, so I candled the eggs again yesterday (day 12). It seems that I was wrong about #1, and it is actually developing. So all 4 are developing.
Again, the weights were it bit weird. #1 was supposed to have lost 4.50g, but it lost 6.08g. #2 should have lost 4.54g, but lost 5.25g. #3 should have lost 4.66g, but lost 4.86g. #4 should have lost 4.64g, but lost 4.48g. It's almost the same as last time I weighed them. #4 is just a little under, #3 is just a little over, #2 noticeably too much, but not super crazy, and #1 is way off.
But, the air cells look okay. So, what do you suggest I do? Just leave the humidity alone, or adjust it a little?

(Each picture is a different egg, going in numerical order).
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That's great that they're all developing! I would not go any higher with the humidity, you could try going a bit lower for four or five days though and see if maybe that would even them out more. But I'd really not stress over the weights. As long as they look healthy and have good sized air cells I'd just leave them be. From the outlines in your pics, the air cells look great. What day are they on now?

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