What to do about my most picked on hen?


May 31, 2016
Hello there,
My sweetest, most submissive and smallest hen is also the bottom of the pecking order (surprise!). She's 4 and has been with the same flock of 5 her whole life. 2 years ago we added 3 more to the family. Every year she molts first in late summer and gets pecked at to the point of bleeding on her wings so I've learned to keep her separated (in view, in the run) as soon as she starts molting and getting those little pin feathers that seem like such a target for the others to peck on. Usually once she molts and her feathers grow back in, she is fine to reintegrate into the flock and thankfully so as she needs them to huddle with and keep warm in the winter. This winter I noticed she was getting pecked at and losing feathers in her shoulder/wing (same area they pick at during molting) and also on her back until she had bare spots. I separated the biggest bully out after seeing her savagely attacking her but this didn't make a difference as the others stepped in and continued to attack her. So, she's been separated, in view of the others, in their run and with her own little satellite coop for the past month. I thought I'd just keep her there until her bare spots had a chance to grow in and could reintegrate her when she's looking a little stronger. Somehow today she managed to sneak out of her quarantined area through a gap in the fence (I've since repaired it) and by the time I realized it she was SO bloody- totally attacked, again, by the flock.
I'm really at a loss of what to do here. It seems like she will have to be indefinitely separated from them and this isn't sustainable come winter time. They have a huge run and plenty of space. We've dealt with her getting picked on before, but this is intense! Any thoughts?!
She's an Easter Egger, the worst offender is a Buff Orpington, but I've got a Gold Laced Wyandotte who's gotten really mean too.. Trying to brainstorm how I could add more space..
If you can have a roo alot of times he'll solve the picking issue. No roo and the top hen will kind of take that role but seems they usually just are bullies.
How much space do they have? Close quarters & bored they start picking.
Sometimes, that's how it goes. They don't always integrate well. Is there another one, or two that get along with this one? If so, make a pen for them, so none of them are alone, and everyone gets along.
Sometimes, that's how it goes. They don't always integrate well. Is there another one, or two that get along with this one? If so, make a pen for them, so none of them are alone, and everyone gets along.
hmm/...that's an idea. I even thought of getting 2 chicks just to be with this one should I have to keep her separate..figured they wouldn't attack her at least when they are smaller than she is!!
If you can have a roo alot of times he'll solve the picking issue. No roo and the top hen will kind of take that role but seems they usually just are bullies.
How much space do they have? Close quarters & bored they start picking.
Their run is about 15 feet by 5 feet..with a bigger coop and a smaller coop (she's in the smaller one now) off of it.
So 75sqft run. Enough for 7 birds.
I'd try isolating the bullies in the little coop & run. Possibly every time you isolate the docile EE and reintroduce her she's treated like a new outsider and will be picked on by everyone relentlessly. Reestablishing the pecking order and her being on the bottom.

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