What to do after my flock has been frightened/traumatized by hawks and crows??


In the Brooder
5 Years
Jun 18, 2014
Staunton, VA
My 14 hens mixed breed, are in an enclosed yard with electric fence but no cover. At night they go into the coop attached to the barn. Recently, I witnessed a chicken hawk swoop into the yard and they all ran into the barn. Nobody was attacked or killed but now they are afraid of all birds-crows and sparrows, too. Anything that makes a bird noise causes them to run to the barn. Well, now they won't come out of the barn at all. And, they have quit laying eggs which I'm guessing is due to stress. I just started them on a feed for growing feathers back or when they are molting to try to get egg production going again. How can I convince them to go outside again? They won't even go out when I scatter scratch. Help! Any ideas?

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