What to do if you don't have a bator

Body Thief

In the Brooder
7 Years
May 1, 2012
I know there is a turkey thread but I thought I might get faster responses through here.

My turkey hen has been setting for about 4-5 weeks now. Our other hen was setting in the same nest with her but she got off after 3-4 weeks.

3 peeps were killed like 4-5 days ago so we removed the hen and our tom and left the original setter to her business.
Well one peep hatched yesterday and she was still setting, now she is off the nest and I went to discard the eggs and there is one still hatching that was not hatching this afternoon when I checked her nest, about 3-4 hours ago.

I don't know what to do. I know they say that if they don't hatch it's because sometimes the hen knows it's deformed or wtv but I have a strong feeling this isn't the case. I also know that the hens usually will leave the nest after a certain amount of time to feed the older babies that are already hatched because she can't wait around forever for everyone else to hatch. I don't have my incubator yet, it got backordered. Is there anyway I can bring him in the house and make a box or something to create humidity and heat so he might have a chance to hatch, or is it already to late for this guy? i have heating pads and temperature cages and stuff like that.

A Styrofoam cooler and a wet sponge and a 65-100 watt lightbullb-

put the eggs wet sponge and lightbulb in the cooler - turn on the light bulb... and watch for fire or "off gassing" (smoke, melted foam).
alright thanks :)

My hen actually got back on the nest just after i wrote this BUT I will go get a styrofoam cooler just in case.....She is a first time broody :) I hope she does a good job.

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