what to do..../sigh


In the Brooder
8 Years
Aug 4, 2011
Up State NY (Tioga)
Hi there everyone, hope somebody can offer some wisdom as I'm not really sure what to do, i knew it was inevitable i guess..

My daughter got home from practice today and let our RiR's out of the pen to scratch around the back side of the house, while she did chores inside, when i got home I noticed one was in the pen injured, she appears to have a dislocated leg at the hip as its protruding up near her right wing, her leg is pointed out in front of her like a ski.

This one bird just happens to be the only one out of the whole flock that my daughter 'adopted' as her own project bird and she feels terrible about it., this Hen is extremely friendly and follows her around like a puppy chirping and squeaking. As I said, she feels terrible about it, out of 17 of them, what are the odds...
I've seperated her from the flock for now, but she's pretty much crippled and cannot walk at all.

Any suggestions what i should do?
Can a hip dislocation be put back in place, if that is even what it is?

obviously, i'm a newbie, but i'm learning..


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Hi Kevin--

what a dilemma. Do you have a vet, preferably one that works with chickens, or possibly a person knowledgable in chickens nearby, or someone from 4H or other service like your county extension agent or someone that they could recommend to do a consultant?

If none of the above...you can contact Peter J Brown the chicken doctor---and he could advise you of your choices. The call back cost is 25.00 - (which is generally less than a vet fee)---

here is contact information:


Here is a cut-and-paste from my own 'charts&quotes' page:

For Vet help with your chickens if you don't have access to a local vet who handles poultry:
A vet I wish I had known about is 'The Chicken Doctor', Dr. Peter J. Brown. He will do a call back for $25 and the fee would be waived if you ended up buying meds from their site. (I figure sometimes I would need a medication anyway, and if I can talk to an expert poultry vet, all the better, I'd be happy to purchase from them. ) It is First State Vet. Here is a link: http://www.firststatevetsupply.com/

-- I consulted him about a suspected problem I had with one of my chickens. He also has an on-line radio show on Monday afternoons. You can call or perhaps eMail the on air show. I just listened last Monday it is on the show 'the chicken whisperer'. Not 100% how it all works as yet, but I think you register, and you can email in---and you can listen and call in. No charge. Here is the link --> www.blogtalkradio.com/backyardpoultry -- the time is Mondays at -- I think 12:30PM EST

Good luck.
Thanks for the info, i'm going to call the Cornell Co-operative extension this morning,
If anyone would know about whom could help, it would be them.


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