What to do with another hen stealing a broody's eggs?


7 Years
Mar 21, 2012
This has been a stressful week. My lead roo passed away, the coop went into an uproar and now I have a Production Red who has gone broody- I know they aren't supposed to but this is the second one to do it. Go figure.
I have a coop for laying and sleeping but the rest of the time my chickens free-range on our property. Despite having 6 very roomy nest boxes for 17 hens (not all lay every day), they were arguing about boxes- now with 1 box down it's worse. This has only been the case since Festus my old roo died.
We are still in the first week but I have twice found other hens trying to get into Bea's (the broody) nest box. I place a piece of plexi glass in front so no one could get in during laying time and then I remove it so she can get out if she wants- which she doesn't.
Today there was lots of fussing and I went out to find my austrolop Miss Jackie fighting to get into Bea's box- really pushing and pecking. I kept pushing her out to try and move the plexi over further and she was NOT having it. Finally I saw what she was doing- she was trying to put her head under Bea to get the eggs. I thought she was trying to peck/eat them, until what happened next.
I got her out and moved the plexi, got Bea some food- by the time I went back out, there was more fussing. Miss Jackie was in another hens box (a top hen at that). I watched her grab an egg from under this hen (one she didn't lay), drop it to the floor of the coop (about 18in. with deep litter) and then proceed to sit on it!
I've thought about moving Bea to an enclosure (8x10) with a wooden box and curtain. If I shut it, no one can get in and she can hatch in peace- but will she just give up moving her? That's 10 eggs, some of them my neighbors that could be lost if she bolts. Of course she won't have far to go...
I would move her to the seperate pen on her own but if you do it at night, in the dark, she is far less likely to 'bolt' and will be far happier being able to continue to brood unmolested x

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