What to do with chicks in the incubator after they hatched?


6 Years
Jan 15, 2014
St. Pauls North Carolina
Okay so i know the incubator has to go into lockdown 2 or 3 days before. But what do i do if some chicks hatch and pthers take longer. I dont want to open the incubator in case it kills the unhatched. Will they be okay in there with all the heat? I know they dont need to eat fir 24 hours after hatch.
They will be fine in the incubator for a while. It will give them plenty of time to fluff out and dry thoroughly.
After the chick hatched allow it to dry off and fluff up in the incubator before removing it to a brooder. Newly hatched chicks can survive for up to 3 days on the yolk they absorb during the hatching process, but once you put them in the brooder make sure there is at least water available and offer them food after a day.

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