What to do with extra bananas?

Protein balls. I use banana, old fashioned oats, peanut butter, coconut flakes, dried cherries, chia seeds, almond slivers, chopped walnuts, cinnamon, almond extract, honey, sea salt, chocolate chips.

mix it all together, shape into balls, freeze. It's an awesome 100 calorie snack with coffee. You can really just be creative with ingredients.

Also, bananas are good for dogs. I'd put half a banana/day in my dogs bowl.
I have four extra bananas and I don't feel like eating them plain. Any suggestions?
If you want to make banana bread but not today, you can store the bananas in the freezer, then thaw them when you are ready to bake it. The same goes for many other recipes where you are going to cook the bananas.

Some smoothie recipes use frozen bananas, so you can store bananas in the freezer for those recipes too.
Slice up the banana, put the pieces on some parchment on a tray, and freeze for about 2 hours. Then after they are frozen, you can put them in a bag or container in the freezer to eat as a snack or dessert, or you can dip them in melted chocolate, freeze them for a little longer to firm up the chocolate, and put them in the storage container.

You can also use the frozen pieces to make "nice-cream". But I've found it's easier to blend the bananas before freezing. Add what you normally would to ice cream (sugar/stevia/honey, vanilla, cocoa powder, peanuts, etc.). Blend again and return to freezer.

I also made banana jam one time! It's delicious! There is no USDA approved recipe for canning bananas that I know of, but I just pressure canned it and kept the jars in the fridge for storage. I am currently still alive. You could also freeze the jam. Just google recipes.

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