What to do with miss Sassypants

Firefighter Chick

8 Years
May 8, 2011
Southeast Minnesota
So when I was deciding to get some chicks, I thought i'd try using a broody to be a serogate mama. Of course, none of my pullets were in full broody mode so I opted out of using a broody. Today when I got up, I noticed someone left the partition door open where the chicks are kept, thus allowing all of the pullets and roo access to the chicks. I was nervous to see the carnage, but when I looked inside, there was miss sassy pants. Miss sassy pants clucks and fluffs like a broody but doesn't seem to be fully committed. She was in there with the chicks. No other pullets in there. I'm wondering if she was protecting them. The chicks were avoiding her. She just puffed out her feathers making that repetitous clucking sound, taking sips of water, then bites of chick feed. Do you think it would do harm to keep her in there? I left her in there and shut the partition door when I left for work. What do you all think? I have to admit, it was kind of cute.

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