What to do with my 1st egg??? HELP!!!!!!


8 Years
Mar 21, 2011
wash it, wipe it, put a date on it??? what?

how long do they keep in fridge? how soon do I need to refrigerate them after they are laid?
Eat it. I have it on good inside information that eggs are very tastey!
Eat it. The fresher they are, the better they taste.

The ultimate breakfast -- go out into your garden early in the morning, pick whatever veggies and herbs are in season, get some eggs still warm from the hens, and make yourself a REALLY fresh omelet.

Eggs will keep 4 to 6 weeks, at least, in the fridge. The ones from the grocery store are usually 3-4 weeks old already when they put them out for sale.

You only need to wash them if they're dirty. If you do wash, use hot tap water, and a weak bleach rinse is OK.
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You dont need to wash it unless it is really nasty or something. Alot of people dont wash them at all and leave them out on the counter in a basket. The chickens lay the eggs with a protective covering on it called BLOOM. This keeps bacteria from getting inside the egg. If you wash it, the bloom comes off and you MUST refridgerate. I have heard that eggs on the counter will last a month or more, 3 months or more in the fridge.

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