What to do with outcast chicken?

@aart The run I'm introducing them in is 4x8ft with a 4x5ft coop attached. It's on the small side and will be expanding soon. Even if the cochin runs to try and get away, the bullies will just chase her down. Yesterday, she ran into the coop which was out of sight and they followed her in. When I let them free range in the yard, everything goes much smoother. The cochin and her chick wind up staying somewhat near to the flock but a safe distance away.

Like @Sassysouth , my cochin is absolutely terrified of the 2 bullies. If they even look at her then she runs away.

I'm going to take your advice when building my new run. Right now my run is just an open rectangle with a roosting pole about halfway through. She can't really hide unless she goes in the coop and then she's boxed in there. How big is a "spacious" run for 3-4 chickens?

I can't decide which chickens to find new homes for though! Either I get rid of the cochin and run the risk of the mean girls beating up the chick/any new chickens I get or I get rid of the mean girls and run the risk of having a forever-terrified-of-anybody-new cochin on my hands. Or do I hang on to everyone and hope a bigger run fixes this?
How big is a "spacious" run for 3-4 chickens?
How much room can you spare, and what's the biggest run you can get with your budget? Currently we have 3 chickens in a ~6x20 run with multiple levels, and there's about three or four times that in garden space. Four chickens is the most we'd have.

I can't decide which chickens to find new homes for though! Either I get rid of the cochin and run the risk of the mean girls beating up the chick/any new chickens I get or I get rid of the mean girls and run the risk of having a forever-terrified-of-anybody-new cochin on my hands. Or do I hang on to everyone and hope a bigger run fixes this?
Hard to tell really. How soon can you get a bigger run?

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