What to do with Rouen Duck Drake

I do want to reiterate, the park I was thinking about is super nice and again, is a bird sanctuary. Just not a federal one or anything. This is a link that shows tons of photos of how nice of a place I am talking about: Lafreniere Park (I hope that link actually works). There is also this short little news story about the birds at the park here. And one more link here from a birding enthusiast. I guarantee there are no alligators :)

I just wanted to clear that up, because everybody said don't "dump" him at the park. I wouldn't even consider it if it wasn't a veritable duck/bird haven. I also would ask permission directly from the park. It is basically the second or third largest park in the New Orleans area (City Park and Audubon are the other two). They would probably say no, but they do have some chickens as well, and I will lead with "the zoo told me you wouldn't have a problem taking him."

Anyway, my other concerns are making sure that if I offer him on Craigslist or anything of that sort, that someone could be like, "oh yeah! We will love him forever" and then take him home and eat him.

As far as lady friends... I feel if I am having a hard enough time finding someplace good for him, then I certainly would have an even harder time finding someplace for his ducklings.

And trust me, I really do care for my animals. I had a chicken that got pecked near her vent down to muscle by her sisters and I spent close to $1000 getting her surgery and kept her in the house for around 4 months. Nobody I knew could understand why I would pay that much when she was "just a chicken" but I couldn't just let her go knowing I had promised to take care of her. She did live and did really well except for a limp for another year or two, but then disappeared from my yard one day a couple of months ago. There were no bones or feathers or anything. I looked around everywhere and questioned all of my neighbors, but she was never found :( My only guess is that maybe a local possum or very large hawk took her since she was a bit slower than my other chickens. She was a gorgeous Buff Brahma. I am crying just typing this...

Anyway, back to the duck. Again, all I want for him is to be happy. I just need to find out the best way to do that.
I think that park looks very nice. I could tell you want the best for your duck. I know a park near my old house in Long Beach, CA where a lot of ducks and geese live, (and rabbits) most of which are former pets, and that is what I was thinking of. If it is safe from dogs and other predators, and the birds are fed well, not just bread from tourists, and you think it is best for your pet, who am I to question? But, maybe you have some mental reservations, or you would not be here asking for our opinions. As far as ducklings (which are the cutest animal babies on the planet except for African Grey chicks) hatcheries charge more for them than chickens and get it. Even more at Easter. You know, you bought 2!

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