What to expect as a declawed cat ages?


11 Years
Jul 1, 2008
Portland, Oregon
Eleven years ago, I adopted a cat that was already declawed, since its owner could no longer keep it. I am personally quite fervently opposed to declawing, but I took her in anyway since it obviously wasn't the cat's fault that she was declawed! I read up on the procedure at the time, and learned that as she aged, she might have some arthritis because declawing changes a cat's walking posture and over time, this can cause musculoskeletal problems. Now, she is getting on up in years and is having trouble jumping onto things that she used to be able to reach with no trouble and I'm wondering if I should be concerned. Every time I try to research this online though, all I come up with is page after page about how bad it is to declaw and almost nothing about what to do if you already have a declawed cat. I want to know basic things like how long her life expectancy is, what problems to look out for, warning signs, etc. Instead I just keep seeing disturbing images about the reality of declawing, which I could never stomach in the first place.

Does anyone have any practical advice or information for me? Obviously a trip to the vet is imminent, but getting this cat into a crate and to a vet is not a simple proposition...she is feisty and a bit aggressive -- and she can shoot anal fluid across the room on command if she thinks she's being put into a crate. I just want to know from anyone who has experienced owning an aging declawed cat what your experiences were. No judgment from me about your cat's declawing, and please don't judge me either...I'm not the one who declawed her.
Eleven years ago, I adopted a cat that was already declawed, since its owner could no longer keep it. I am personally quite fervently opposed to declawing, but I took her in anyway since it obviously wasn't the cat's fault that she was declawed! I read up on the procedure at the time, and learned that as she aged, she might have some arthritis because declawing changes a cat's walking posture and over time, this can cause musculoskeletal problems. Now, she is getting on up in years and is having trouble jumping onto things that she used to be able to reach with no trouble and I'm wondering if I should be concerned. Every time I try to research this online though, all I come up with is page after page about how bad it is to declaw and almost nothing about what to do if you already have a declawed cat. I want to know basic things like how long her life expectancy is, what problems to look out for, warning signs, etc. Instead I just keep seeing disturbing images about the reality of declawing, which I could never stomach in the first place.

Does anyone have any practical advice or information for me? Obviously a trip to the vet is imminent, but getting this cat into a crate and to a vet is not a simple proposition...she is feisty and a bit aggressive -- and she can shoot anal fluid across the room on command if she thinks she's being put into a crate. I just want to know from anyone who has experienced owning an aging declawed cat what your experiences were. No judgment from me about your cat's declawing, and please don't judge me either...I'm not the one who declawed her.

Declawing does not reduce life expectancy if you keep them as an indoor only cat. It will reduce life expectancy for them if left outside as they cannot climb trees to escape threats and have no claws to defend against predators. When I was younger we adopted a declawed Siamese and she lived to be 20, her declaw job was so botched she had only 2 toes on one foot. She was a sweet and loving cat, but never good at jumping onto things, and she learned not to try jumping onto smooth surfaces. Without claws she would often slide right off the other side.
How good of you to take in an unwanted cat. Declawing will not affect any cat's life expectancy. However, the lack of veterinary car may shorten the cat's life. Declawed cats do have a tendency to bite as the usual first defense of scratching has been eliminated. The best thing you can do for her he keep her weight down. Talk to your vet about transporting her and see if there is a traveling vet who will come to your house to examine your cat. An older cat does need bloodwork to determine how healthy the kidneys, liver and thyroid are.

Your declawed cat will age like any other cat. Enjoy her and remember you are HER slave.
My boss had a cat like yours that hated going to the vet. He was never declawed, so it was a blood letting to get him into his crate, until my boss discovered how to make a cat taco. He would put the cat down on a towel and then quickly roll the towel tightly around the cat. the cat taco was then stuffed into the crate as quickly as possible before the cat got out of the towel. It doesn't hurt the cat at all and may save you some trouble.
Even though it will be difficult, I would recommend a Vet visit, that way you can talk the doctor about getting her on a joint supplement like Dasuquin. Good luck!

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