What to feed a stray Blue (Dusky) grouse?


8 Years
Jul 15, 2015
A grouse appeared at our ranch location over a month ago. We have identified it as a Dusky Grouse. It has been gentle since it arrived and has begun to behave as though it enjoys human company. There are currently no domestic chickens at the location.
I’ve read that these grouse spend winters above tree line, eating conifer needles. The grouse has been feeding on a watered lawn. The snow will soon have all bare areas covered here in western Wyoming. We are a little less than ten miles to nearest conifer forest of Wind River Mountain range.
I’d like to see the grouse survive and get back to its native range. There are a few, planted, conifers at the ranch. Bird dogs and domestic chickens will return to the ranch in the spring.
To my point finally: Is there commercially prepared feed that would suit the grouse? I realize there are issues when or if to feed wild animals.
@007Sean - can you help here ? I would suggest providing wild bird seed, but Sean may have a better idea.
Thanks again for the suggestion. I’d tried an “all fowl” crumble but the grouse wasn’t interested. At your suggestion we tried the wild bird seed. It was a hit!

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