what to name


10 Years
May 9, 2009
I have three Buff Orpingtons hens and they are just starting to lay. The trouble is I can't tell one apart from another and I wanted to know who was on the nest. So today I think I solved my dilema. I went to the Dollar store and bought a packet of hair scrunchies with pretty silky ribbons sticking out all over. I slipped a different colored scrunchy oven the wing, at the shoulder area of each hen. So now I know who is Rose, who is Blueberry, and who is Violet.
What a neat idea! Let me know how the scrunchies hold up. We purposely got all different breeds so we could tell them apart, but we just had to rehome our rooster and I brought home two frizzle hens instead that look exactly alike. I was wondering what we were going to do to tell them apart! Since our girls will all live in the greenhouse, we've named them all after flowers and plants too!
Glad you brought this up! I plan to have 3 different breeds, but eight of each kind - how to tell them apart?
What about leg bands that they sell in in hatchery supply catalogues? Anyone ever try these? Are there problems with them? (Like the legs growing and they have to be enlarged or replaced?) Please tell us - inquiring minds, you know... By the way, were the scrunchies the stretchy knit type? On the edge of my seat waiting to hear suggestions too!
The reason I choose scrunchies is that I want to be able to tell which hen is sitting on the nest. I could not tell which hen it was if I used those leg bands because she would be sitting and her leg band would not show.

I'll let you know how it is working out for me.
Oooo! Could you post pics if it's not too much trouble? I'm totally interested to see how they look when the girls are on their nestboxes. Do the scrunchies interfere with blood flowing down the major artery that enters the wing?
I put a mini-zip tie on the leg of which ones I wanted to identify. Only a few of mine are 'marked' though. I left the tie rather loose, and thankfully they have been OK. Was worried at first they would snag it on something as mine do freerange.
Of Course!!
That makes perfect sense - you wouldn't be able to tell who's who while they're sitting and laying!! Still hope you can post pics - can't wait to see them all decked out in their scrunchies!!

I'm new to uploading pictures. I hope this co mes through. Here is Violet with her scrunchie.
That picture is SO cute and the scrunchy is SUCH a good idea!

I bought 8 different breeds (well, 7, but the 8th chick turned into a roo) so I would be able to tell them apart. It turns out the "Black Sex Link" is a very brown chicken, and the Brown Leghorn is also very brown. The ONLY differences to my untrained eyes are the color of their legs (which one cannot see when said chickens are sitting on 'em) and a very slight touch of "Cleopatra-like eye-liner" on the Brown Leghorn.

..must go get some scrunchies.....
Oh sooo cool!!
The picture is beautiful, and she looks so proud with her fancy scrunchie on!!
Brilliant idea!
I'll have to try it so I can tell mine apart also.

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