What to put on ground of chicken run?

Will do
Does the sand have to be a particular type? I was over at the building supply store today looking at materials for the floor of our chicken pen and our separate duck pen. I found out that there is concrete sand, fill sand (kind of brownish), and "clean sand" grades #1 and #2. The salesperson said that the "clean sands" do not have any salts. This might be good for the duck run. Does it matter for the chickens? Good grief!
Ok I posted this on another post like this and killed the post! Not my intention. Not trying to make trouble, been here to dang long for that kind of stuff. Just looking for an answer.

Here goes again:

I'm sorry, I'm not trying to be rude. I have seen this question asked over and over and I'm still confused by it. I've only been raising chickens for 2 years now so maybe I'ved missed something I should be doing.

My run is just plain ol' dirt. North Carolina red clay dirt. At one time it was covered with grass but that lasted about a month. Now it's dusty red dirt/clay with bits of chicken poop, a few half eaten tomatoes, squash, and peppers and the litter shoveled from the coop last spring (most of that has washed to one corner where they dig for worms) My run doesn't have a cover. It's too dang big. 40x80ft. When it rains, it washes away the poop. If it rains really hard, it washes everything down to the back corner where they dig worms (neighbors trees back at that corner look fabulous!)

Am I missing something? Again, I'm not trying to be rude, I just don't understand
Hi CoyoteMagic,

I think the reason that this is analyzed so much is because many of us are dealing with chicken runs that are much smaller in size than yours.

For instance, we live in the city, with a small backyard (less than 1/4 acre). We have three chickens, and quite unexpectedly added (rescued) three ducklings. We will let them free range about the backyard during the day, but due to a significant urban racoon problem, they need to be locked into their respective pens at night, or any time that we're away. The pens are about 13' x 7' each, with three birds per pen. You can imagine - that's a lot of poop in a small space. So, the type of flooring and the ease of keeping it clean becomes a primary concern.

Your chickens have 40' x 80'!!! Wow - lucky chickens. Do you lose any to predators?
I use a construction grade sand that is washed.. its much cheaper than play sand and has been fine. It's about 2.30 a bag at Home Depot. Also if you need a lot sometimes it's better to order it by the truck load from a gravel place, they dump it in your truck or
deliver it to your driveway...
I lost 3 my first year to a dog attack. Neighbor decided his personal problems were more important than caring for his dog and just turned a pregnant dog loose in the subdivision. I don't fault the dog, she was just trying to feed her pups. Neighbor did step up and find homes for the puppies and moved his dog to a place there were no chickens. Other than that I've had one black snake in my nestbox sucking down eggs.

My coop is 8x8 for 10 chickens. They have access to a 10x10 dog run 24/7 and then the "big" run when the autodoor opens in the am.

I have one RIR named Houdini who can not be contained in the any plain 'ol run. She has managed to get out of everything. She has now taught one of my Red Sexies how to climb up the morning glories and hop over the fence!

ETA--my coop has a dirt floor. the coop, run and dog run all have a 2ft skirt around them to keep critter from getting under the fence/coop
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Mine go out anytime there isn't snow on the ground. They have free access to their small secure run 24/7 large at only during the day.

I have seen them jump from the ramp into the coop over the snow and onto a patch of dirt so they didn't step in the snow.
Well it snowed last night, I don't have a covered run, well netted cover, but not roof.

I knew this was coming as winter always does:D, love to ski so no problems here.

The chickens went out no issues, I think I keep them in the run today for the wind.

when teh yard is totally covered I plan to shovel the run and add Hey??

other answers would be great,

I came to this thread looking for answers to mold problems if run gets frozen thawed a bunch with hey in it?

Seems to me the mold wold have a hard time growing.?

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