what to put on wire for hatch? paper towel ok?

you do know that you can add water without opening the bator. don't you??

use a straw or tubing through one of the holes in the lid.. or make a hole if you need one..

Thanks for that -- my husband just suggested the same thing during dinner!
you do know that you can add water without opening the bator. don't you??

use a straw or tubing through one of the holes in the lid.. or make a hole if you need one..

Thanks for that -- my husband just suggested the same thing during dinner!

Your husband is a very smart man..
Cartons aren't made to suck up moisture like paper towels. I've hatched eggs in cartons without issue. They don't wick away the moisture like paper towels will. When my humidity is too high I'll roll a paper towel, shove one end through the mesh, and just suck the water right out of a section of the tray. If that were to touch the membrane or inside of the egg it would do the same thing with a lot less moisture there to suck up. Eggs are also set up in cartons so the membrane and contents usually don't come in contact. The chick touches the carton after it pops the end and comes out of the egg.
I wanted to post in here in the hopes that a lot of folks will perhaps learn from my lesson.

I did my first batch of seramas. I ordered 2 batches from different parts of the country. One close, one far.

I ended up with 31 eggs in total.

I had 15 live to lock down!! Hooray right?

Well I made the horrible mistake (least this is what we think caused it) of laying some paper towels down in
the incubator as a sort of landing for the babies.
I did it double thick over the whole bottom (layer between the water and bottom of the incubator if YSWIM?)

I think this is what ended up killing all the chicks bar one as the eggs got too dry. The one chick that hatched needed help as its wing was stuck like glue to its face.

We have a nice incubator. The temp was perfect, the humidity was 72-75% but we noiced water sort of condensing on the walls of the bater under the paper towels.

We also had 2 chicks pip on the bottom, and ended up sticking to the paper towels like cement!!! . *sigh*

Please don't use paper towels or if you do don't put it down under an egg or over the whole bottom.

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