what treat do pigeons go wild for?

Do you feed the whole seed or just the hearts? Most fanciers I know feed just the hearts as a treat. Mine go wild for shelled unsalted peanuts. I break a few up for new birds to get acquainted with them.

My pigeons eat the sunflowers with shells on. They pick that out of the feed as soon as I put new feed in. but I imagine they'd be typically as happy as any other bird, to have been able to get the actual seed rather than eating the shell with it.

Of course, shelled sunflowers usually are more costly.
I have a small flock of pigeons. One cock is very friendly and will follow me. I would like to hand feed my birds treats to tame them. What do pigeons love? Thanks
Peanuts, fresh fruit and veggies but peanuts are at the top of the list for a snack treat raw or roasted try to get the un salted kind!!

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