What turkey breeds do I have?

Hi, We just won turkey's at an Auction! We tried last year and lost. But we have also had the year to get ready. Now we just dont know what type of turkeys they are. We live in Germany and bought them in Holland at a Farmers Festival.
Anybody know what type of beautiful turkeys we have bought?
2 hens 1 Tom.

Thanks for that , do you have experience with this type of Turkey? Do you know how old they are? Casue to me they don't look like a BR. But I also have NO idea what I am talking about.
Since we live in Germany I thought they might be different.
I have had bourbon reds and currently have a pair. They are like other heritage varieties in that they are rambunctious, and curious. It can be hard to guess their age. They do look to be adults.
We are all very excited here. I didnt anticipate that they were BR they will be BIG! WOW. We are still finishing the run so they have been in a shed for the last 3 days. They will get out in to the run today. I am excited to see them out side.
  • oldhenlikesdogs When You say you think they are adults... do you mean like over 6 months old? Or like over 1 year? I saw photos of BR and the Tom's have massive tail feathers and ours doesn't.
Thanks for the newbie help.
A look at the toms spurs can help determine age somewhat. At about a year of age toms will have spurs that are about 1/2 inch, if they less than a year than they won't have much of anything, over a year and they start to become fairly long. Same with the toms beard, so check the length of both of those to get a good estimate. It can be hard for me to tell things in a photo as far as size of the birds to give you anything but a good guess.
Thanks I will have a look at his spurs. He has some pretty good chest hairs going on, looks like a brillo pad, it's just starting to sprout out of his feathers. Will let you know. Now that they are in the run I can get a better photo too. They are really happy and learning to get in and out of the window in their shed. We just let them out of the shed yesterday.
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