what type feed for mixed flock of 1year olds and 12 week olds ?

Some would just feed layer, in the hope that the younger ones will tolerate the calcium at this age, but my preference would be a flock raiser or grower with oyster shell on the side. A segment of owners feed this all the time.
Some would just feed layer, in the hope that the younger ones will tolerate the calcium at this age, but my preference would be a flock raiser or grower with oyster shell on the side. A segment of owners feed this all the time.
It's what I do. I only toss a handful of oyster shell in for 5 girls once a week. Their egg shells are fine.
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Me too. I never use layer feed as I always have non-laying or male birds. All-in-one, with oyster shell when I think of it.
A grower or a multi purpose, flock raiser and give oyster shell on the side, with so many birds here of various ages, roos and drakes and ducks too, i use no layer.. just go for a multi purpose and give oyster shell.
I feed an all flock or flock raiser 20% to my chickens and roosters. Unmedicated chick feed is pretty much the same thing. I keep a coffee can full of crushed oyster shell available, and throw out egg shell chips to the hens for extra calcium.

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