What type of comb is this?


6 Years
Mar 28, 2013
This is my handsome rooster Reese. He's a year old and his comb has really grown this year. What type of comb is it? He's an Easter egger so he could be any breed.



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Originally when Easter Eggers were Americaunas an offshoot breed of the original Aracauna, they had pea combs. However, since then the Easter egger has really become the mutt of the chicken world being crossed with other breeds to come up with different color birds and better layers,, the name Easter Egger aptly applies to pretty much any bird that can produce a green/blue egg so the comb as well has become rather twisted and morphed,, so to answer your question,,, uhhhhh, yeah
Buff Brahmas have pea combs, not rose combs,, and are, or should be much lighter. Plus Rose combs sit close to the head, are covered in spikes and should have a nice extended spike or at least a nice point protuding to the back.
He is, a very handsome bird,, that is undisputable, but if anything,, if I would have to choose,, body carriage, long curving sickle tail, color and length of saddle and hackle feathers, all suggest he has brown leghorn blood in him. The sort of raised, twisty, knarley comb like he has can result from to much genetic mixing and loosing the nice pea shape.
I guess I didn't realize that when you mixed breeds their combs combine characteristics.

He had some frostbite on it but it's completely gone away and his comb seems to have doubled in size this spring.
yeah, mixing breeds can get some funky comb results Here's a hen and rooster, both the result of a straight comb x pea comb....

Reese is very handsome! We have an EE that is quite similar to him in coloring and body/tail shape, and his offspring very much look like EE/Americana girls he even mated our Silkie and 3/7 look just like our other EE hens but with 5 toes...can't wait until they lay to see what we get!
It depends on what comb types you are mixing. Basicly all combs originated from either Rose or Pea,, all others were evolved from those 2,, even straight combs,, which are really modified Pea combs,, so yes,, in the case of Easter Eggers which originally had Pea Combs in the Americauna and Aracauna breeds,, crossing with straight comb varieties for better production and feather color (the green/blue egg color is Dominant so it caries through) can easily give you the funky combs seen on them today.

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