What type of duck?


Mar 22, 2015
Hi there. I was wondering if someone could tell me what type of duck this is and if it's male or female? Was sold to us as an Indian runner along with our other two but definitely not a runner. Very sweet disposition and is all black with a green sheen.
I'm sorry I don't know anything about ducks. But, you can post on the "Duck thread," and ask experienced duck folks your questions. Welcome to Backyard chickens.
I only have one duck and am not all that experienced either but right b4 my duck started laying eggs i wanted to know if she was a male or female and had my son catch her to see if i could tell...when he caught her he grabbed the back of her neck (not real hard) and she dropped to her chest and threw her bottom up in the air...clear sign she was a female! If u notice him trying to grab the back of the neck of other ducks or even chickens, its a good sign its a male! In most birds too the colors r much more vivid on males! U should definitely ask in the duck thread tho...there's lots of more experienced duck ppl there!

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