What type of Safeguard can I use in poultry?


In the Brooder
Jun 14, 2015
Hi everyone,

I worry about gapeworm in my goose and all I have accessible locally is Canine Safeguard in granules. Has anybody used this with good success?

If I cannot use the Canine version in poultry, then I have to order online and I am curious what would be the recommendation as to which dewormer medication would be best for gapeworm.

Thank you!
Most feed stores carry SafeGuard Liquid Goat Wormer and SafeGuard Equine Paste. It contains fenbendazole, and there are other brands of the horse paste. For gapes, treat with 1/4 ml per pound of weight for 3-5 days orally to each chicken. Gapeworm is kind of rare, and respiratory infections can look like gapeworm, especially ILT and others. Here is a good link to read about respiratory diseases and symptoms: http://edis.ifas.ufl.edu/ps044

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