What type of sebright is this?


8 Years
May 18, 2011
Dixon Missouri
Looking to purchase a few birds... but want to make sure I have the right birds!
Which bird are you referring to? If you are talking about the one closest to the camera, that picture doesnt show anything well enough to determine breed, sex, quality or even color. If it is the one closest to the camera, I will hazard a guess and say it is a buff laced, which is a growing color but is not a recognized color. And just going off that one picture, which is not clear at all, the type is not good at all for a sebright, back looks way too long. Just my thoughts on a bad pic.l
The first one, maybe buff laced sebright(or rather buff sebright), lacing is weak..are these hatchery stock ?
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Local gentleman... these are the pics he posted with the ad. I didn't think they were sebrights, but he was calling them that. I just wanted to double check here.
first one looks like a buff sebright. middle one looks like a poorly colored buff lace male and the third has no lacing whatsoever. it is possible that they are out of buff sebrights but the man just isn't breeding them towards the standard, just breeding to produce numbers and selling everything that hatches, regardless of how far off the mark they are. its also possible that they are crosses.

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