What type of wood should be used when building a chicken coop?

The Harvest Moon Chicken

In the Brooder
12 Years
Apr 9, 2007
Southern California
I am looking at the Lowes web site right now, trying to approximate how much it is going to cost me to build a chicken tractor. So I found lumber, but there are TONS of diffrent types of woods, each with their own price range.

So I was wondering if maybe some types of wood are better for chickens than others, if some are actually harmful to chickens? And, what type of wood does best outside, if there even is one?
Cedar does best outside, but it can be toxic to chickens.

Straight pine or fir with a good coat of urethane is probably your best and cheapest bet.
I'm not actually sure about wood... cause the chook house that i have is made out of metal... the only wooden thing in there is a roost and i think thats pine....
Outdoor plywood works Ok for the solid parts. Regular 2x4's, etc. are also OK. Regardless of the type, wood will weather some. You can paint or seal the outside for better protection and for the coop to last longer.
Before finding this thread I insisted that hubby buy cedar 2x4s instead of pressure treated. Whoops! I was also hoping to use cedar shakes on the exterior.

If the chickens can't get to the cedar or it's stained will they be okay?
The Harvest Moon Chicken I love your name, I play that game all the time. LOL...

As for lumber I thought the cheapest is yellow pine. I know pressure treated wood is ok outside but it does have arsenic in it to deter bugs. So I don't know about that.

I built my chicken tractors out of the wood that comes off of the log splitters that Attwoods ranch and farm store sells. They just throw the crates away. Check them out see what they are tossing. Its first come first serve I understand but I got enough to make 9 chicken tractors in one day!


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