What types of vegetables and herbs can grow in tropical regions?


12 Years
Nov 13, 2007

Sorry if I posted this gardening question here, but here goes!

I'm planning to set up a backyard vegetable garden to save some money and to have fresh, delicious greens. I will build a large fence with a wire roof to prevent the chickens from breaking in. I would like to plant some veggies and herbs(I'm really into cooking!
) so I googled the net for a list. But we live here in the Philippines and we have a hot climate here near the equator, particularly that our summer has begun. I read that rosemary, dill and sweet basil can live in our climate, but do you know more other types of veggies and herbs can live in the tropics?

Thanks in advance!
Hello from another hot-climate gardener in South Florida! Our growing season here is opposite much of the rest of the USA, we begin in Oct-Nov and must end by May-June. Many things that are perennials in other climates are annuals here, they get burnt in our hot summers. But other things that are annuals in cooler climates can grow year 'round here.

There's a great gardening website http://www.GardenWeb.com where they have dozens & dozens of forums for all types of gardening. I know there's one for Florida Gardening that might help you, maybe others more specific to your area & climate.

I hope that helps! Happy gardening! Just remember to fence either your garden or your chickens to keep your produce from getting ruined.

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