What was he thinking!!!

I was out the yard this morning doing my chores, feeding the pigs, throwing in breakfast in the coop for the chooks. While standing there tossing in some grapes (one by one for the pigs to chase after), I observed some white matter in a bare patch on my yard. I quickly thought, “I don’t remember sitting a bag of potting soil there” and proceeded to look down at what I thought was perlite. I proceed to walk around my lawn and realized this “stuff” was everywhere!!! Not until I threw some recycling into the bin did I realize the white stuff was actually WEED & FEED. I flipped the bag over, BAM! 2,4,D!!! My husband treated the whole yard, and I mean the whole yard, garden plot area and all WHILE my two pregnant does and 4 chooks where in the yard!!! What the hell! To make matters worse, “somehow” my 1yr old dog broke into the rabbit’s day run and murdered my Pedigreed Havana rabbit and the other does escaped and ran all over the treated yard. All while I was at DD’s soccer practice!!!

I am at a loss. I lost my *bad word* on my husband. Our coop is on stilts with no run since I have a large high fenced yard. I can’t let me birds out! It’s not supposed to rain until late next week. There were no eggs in the coop this morning. The girls aren’t screaming to be let out.

What do I do? How long do I have to withdraw the eggs? So many more questions... so frustrated I could cry!
I wish I knew what to tell you. You will probably have to wait on the rain. You could call the manufacturer. I have to keep mine locked up after I worm my horses. My vet could not tell me how long to keep them locked up so I called the manufacturer and they said 3-4 days and all poop picked up out of my paddock which I do daily. I hope it all works out. Sorry about your stress level.
Wow dont kill him sounds like something my brother in law would do he just doesn’t think like the rest of us just what’s at hand at the very moment. Calling the manufacture and maybe poison control hot line might be good ideas for more information. This is not a joke and not trying to alarm you, this type of stuff not the same thing but things you just couldn’t explain were happening with my sisters husband for several years doctors finally realized he had water on the brain it affected him in many ways thought process being one of them.
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