What waterbirds are legal to have?????


12 Years
Sep 5, 2007
San Antonio, TX
This is dumb question but how do I know water birds are legal to have? Do I have to be a member of some organization or have certain degrees to keep them? -- Yvette
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You don't need special degrees. Any native water fowl (meaning not a domesticated breed like the wood duck) is regulated by the Migratory Bird Treaty Act and is regulated by the national government' fish and Wild Life Dept, see link for info:

Then there can be state regulations that require permits for keeping native birds and you would need to check the state department of natural resources.

Other non domesticated breeds may be considered exotics. For instance the Australian Black Swan is an exotic so you don't need a permit and I think there is minimal regulation by the USDA regarding sales over state lines, but I am not sure.
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