What went wrong?


Feb 21, 2023
My rooster or I should say cockerel will be a year in February. He and his brother have been fantastic! His brother Royal still sits on my lap. Almanzo is the head rooster even though he’s smaller and has only ever attacked a little kid always great with me. I raised him from a chick he always loved cuddling with me. I get he’s older now and he either has spurs or they almost have points. This morning I let them out and was just standing there. The girls usually wait awhile because he’s so frisky in the morning. Well he gave me the evil eye and for the first time ever attacked me trying to use his spurs on my leg I held up my boot and he just kept jumping and jumping at it with his spurs his pretty neck feathers flared. He got really tired started breathing hard slightly wheezing. A family member came out and distracted him with grass so I could get out without kicking him. Sheesh my leg aches from holding it up so long though he didn’t land a scratch on me. I went out a few more times today in the run he was fine. I didn’t give him any ground but maybe I should’ve chased him away not stood for letting him attack me. He’s been great I love him. I thought he trusted me as I raised him like a mother hen he would snuggle under my arms. I do have a good home for him if he needs to go I prefer not to. I don’t really want to give up sitting and cuddling with my girls and his brother. How should I deal with this he seems fine now. How do you recommend dealing with him? And I will never ever kill him!!!! So that’s not an option but I would love to hear your thoughts!
Also he did for a long time that’s probably why he got so tired right? I hope he didn’t hurt himself. His sister just went broody could this have played a part?
I have never had a truly aggressive male turn back into a "good" one, and no techniques have worked either. What he did doesn't sound too positive. If you want, you han try and handle his behaviour. If you can't handle him, give him to said home, with full disclosure. Some people say that human imprinted males turn aggressive. I have no experience there, so I cannot comment on that. Lots also say that an overly friendly cockerel turns into an aggressive male in the future, adding that their friendliness is in reality them "testing the waters". My experience has been the complete opposite. I suggest you heed both. I would also like to point you towards this excellent resource

Article 'Understanding Your Rooster.' https://www.backyardchickens.com/articles/understanding-your-rooster.75056/
Brooks is right to mention this. If you have small children running around, there's really no debate about keeping him or dropping him off elsewhere
Sigh 😔 it was when he was out free ranging and I was watching them this little kid doesn’t go in the run or coop but yes you’re right he might have to go. Ugh why does it always seem to turn out this way? Technically I know why it’s just hard to except.

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