What will the chick be, a bantam or regular sized?


6 Years
Mar 25, 2013
I got a few eggs from a friend and only one hatched. They were a cross between a rescued Bantam Roo mostly all black with some brown and long tail feathers. Mama was a fat happy golden hen. Will my chick be a bantam, Regular sized hen or just a smaller hen? What happens when a bantam and a larger chicken have relations? ;)
Here is a pic of foster mama and new chick.
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She has tiny little fuzz on her legs. Maybe a feather by her foot. I'm asking because we have 3 bantams and I'm not sure if we will have room for a big gal. But we love this little chick. The "mutt" named Sunny. She hatched during the heat wave!
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I think it will be bigger than it's daddy! Most breeders go with a large hen when wanting to increase size in their flock. So, I think the hen plays a bigger role in size than the rooster.

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